Thursday, April 15, 2010

Come On In...

I have been working on my food/recipe blog now for a couple of months and have found it to be a really rewarding experience. I love the idea of writing about the food that I love to create and the memories wrapped up in each dish, and I figured why not get a little deeper into my life? Although it’s true that food and cooking are probably my top pursuit, there is much more in my life that I want to catalogue and preserve, and hopefully share with others. So as with The Humble Table, I’m using my new platform, The Humble Home to not only record the happenings in my life, but share stories and ideas contributed by others. I’m also striking out with the goal of simplifying life, using my cooking philosophy of simplicity to better my lifestyle in general, and taking time to appreciate all that I have and the things that are coming my way. Make no mistake, I am no perfectionist or Zen master, there is certainly a fair share of disarray and chaos in my life, to say the least! However, perhaps through working through things on “paper” I can gain a better sense of myself as a person, and incorporate others experiences into enjoying a less complex life. And with that being said, away we go…!

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